Permanent faculty and their fields of interests.
Valery Alexeev, Professor, Ph.D. Moscow University 1990.Degenerations and compact moduli spaces of algebraic varieties, including curves, surfaces, abelian varieties, other varieties with group action. Birational geometry and Minimal Model Program. Singularities appearing in MMP. Toric and spherical varieites. Derived categories. Extremal metrics.
Angela Gibney, Associate Professor, Ph.D. University of Texas, 2000.The birational geometry of the moduli spaces of curves using combinatorial methods. Chern classes of conformal blocks bundles and applications.
William Graham, Professor, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1992. Geometry related to algebraic groups: equivariant K-theory, cohomology, and Chow groups; flag varieties, Schubert calculus, and related combinatorics.
Daniel Krashen, Associate Professor, Ph.D University of Texas 2001, Finite dimensional division algebras, quadratic forms, and their interplay with algebraic groups and homogeneous varieties. Algebraic cycles and motives. Moduli and configuration spaces.
Dino Lorenzini, Professor, Ph.D. U.C. Berkeley, 1988. Rational points on algebraic varieties. Torsion points on abelian varieties. Néron models of abelian varieties. Modular curves and their jacobians. Models of curves and wild ramification. Wild quotient singularities of surfaces.
Mitchell Rothstein, Professor, Ph.D. UCLA, 1984. Algebro-geometric methods in Mathematical Physics. Fourier-Mukai transforms, D-modules and integrable systems. Supervarieties.
Robert Varley, Professor, Ph.D. University of North Carolina, 1977.Algebraic geometry, curves, abelian varieties, theta divisors, deformation theory, algebraic topology of varieties, mathematical aspects of quantum field theory
Adjunct and Emeritus Faculty
Elham Izadi, Adjunct Professor, PhD University of Utah, 1991.Abelian varietes, curves and their moduli spaces, moduli of vector bundles on curves. Special constructions involving the cohomology of algebraic varieties, special cases of the Hodge conjecture involving abelian varieties.
Roy Smith, Professor Emeritus, PhD University of Utah, 1977.Geometry of polarized abelian varieties and their moduli spaces, especially Jacobian and Prym varieties, Torelli problems, deformations of singularities.
Post Doctoral Associates and their fields of interest
Patricio Gallardo, Postdoctoral Associate, Ph.D. Stony Brook University, 2014. Moduli space of surfaces, geometric invariant theory (GIT), Degeneration of surfaces and curves in projective space.
Anna Kazanova, Temporary Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Univ. of Massachussets, Amherst, 2013. Moduli spaces of surfaces of general type. Exceptional vector bundles. Godeaux surfaces.
Recent graduates and their dissertation.
Xiaoyan (Shannon) Hu (Valery Alexeev), The compactifications of moduli spaces of Burniat surfaces with $2/leqK^{2}\leq5$
Joseph Tenini (Valery Alexeev), Results on an Extended Torelli Map and Singularities of Degenerate Abelian Varieties
Jaeho Shin (Valery Alexeev), The reduction map for the moduli spaces of weighted hyperplane arrangements.
David Krumm (Dino Lorenzini), Quadratic Points on Modular Curves.
Maurice J. LeBlanc, III, (Robert Varley), Analyzing free quantum fields theories on the ax+b space-time and Wigner contractions to the Minkowski plane.
Wenjing Li (William Graham), Spiral Schubert Varieties in type extended A2.
Brandon Samples (William Graham), Components and Springer Fibers for the Exceptional Groups G2 and F4.
Ben Wyser (William Graham), Symmetric Subgroup Orbit Closures on Flag Varieties: Their Equivariant Geometry, Combinatorics, and Connections With Degeneracy Loci. UGA Presidential Fellowship 2006-11. NSF International Research Fellowship, l’Institut Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 2013-2015.
Jim Stankewicz (Dino Lorenzini and Pete Clark), Twists of Shimura Curves.
Maxim Arap (Elham Izadi), Tautological Rings of Prym Varieties.
Justin Manning (Robert Varley), Axiomatic Quantum Fields on the de Sitter Surface with a Local Spectral Condition.
Jeremiah Hower (Dino Lorenzini), On elliptic curves and arithmetical graphs.
Michael Guy (Valery Alexeev), Moduli of Weighted Stable Maps and Their Gravitational Descendants.
Peter Petrov (Valery Alexeev), Nash problem on spaces of arcs.
Joe Rusinko (Valery Alexeev), Equivalence of Mirror Families Constructed from Toric Degenerations of Flag Varieties.
Sungkon Chang (Dino Lorenzini), The arithmetic of twists of the jacobians of superelliptic curves.
Tawanda Gwena (Valery Alexeev), Degenerations of Prym varieties and Cubic threefold.
Vitaly Vologodsky (Valery Alexeev), The extended Jacobi and Prym maps.
Daniele Arcara (Elham Izadi) Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles on Curves.
Dennis Wayne Tarrant (Robert Varley) Term Orders on the Polynomial Ring and the Grobner Fan of an Ideal.
Janice Wethington (Robert Varley) On Computing The Thom-Boardman Symbols for Polynomial Multiplication Maps.