The Graduate Student Boot Camp will take place Tuesday, June 24th through Thursday, June 26th. During this week there will be several professional development opportunities available for all graduate students. You can find a detailed schedule below.
Tuesday June 24th
8:45-9:00: Coffee in the matrix
9:00-9:45: (room 328) Seminar led by Angela Gibney and Neil Lyall
Topic: Passing quals, finding an advisor and a committee: what, why, and how.
11:45-noon pick up your lunch for the panel in the Matrix (lunch provided by math department)
noon-1pm: (room 322) Graduate Student Panel
Panelists Nick Castro, Sayonita Ghosh Hajra, Luca Schaffler, and Kate Thompson
Topic: What I wish I knew before I found an advisor– thoughts on passing quals, finding and advisor, and navigating the first two years of grad school at UGA.
1:15-3:15: (room 322) Seminar led by Danny Krashen
Topic: Developing and maintaining a professional webpage: what, why, and how.
Note: Everyone should get something from this (and everyone will be expected to present their webpage to the group on Thursday afternoon).
Wednesday June 25th
9:40-10 Coffee in the matrix
10-10:45: (room 323) Seminar led by Angela Gibney and Neil Lyall
Topic: Taking advantage of opportunities to be involved in the larger mathematics community.
Details: In this seminar we will discuss how to get involved both at UGA and away, how to find out about workshops and conferences, funding procurement, and how to take full advantage while there.
11am – noon: (room 323) Seminar and Panel led by Angela Gibney
Topic: Getting ready to go on the job market
Panelists: Sayonita Ghosh Hajra, Angela Gibney, Amber Russell, and Kate Thompson
Details: we will discuss different types of academic jobs, and how to prepare oneself to be a competitive candidate.
12-1:30: break for lunch
1:30-2:15: Seminar in the library
Topic: Library Resources
2:30-3:15: (room 323) Seminar led by Pete L. Clark
Topic: Mathematical writing
3:30- 4:00: (room 323) Seminar led by Jerry Daniel and Jose Malagon: computer resources available in the math department
4:15-5:30: Webpage help for those who want/need assistance (Danny Krashen and Luca Schaffler available in their offices)
Thursday June 26th
8:45-9:00: Coffee in the matrix
9:00-9:45: (room 328) Mock AMS Preparation Seminar led by Kenny Jacobs and Maren Turbow
10-11:30: break for summer mini-course
11:45-noon: pick up your lunch for the panel in the Matrix (lunch provided by math department)
noon-1pm: (room 322) Lunchtime Seminar led by Pete L. Clark and Angela Gibney
1:15-3:15: (room 328) Seminar led by Danny Krashen
Topic: Webpage presentations (participants will show off their webpages to the group)